DIY Wall Art With Cardboard and Scrap Fabric

Don’t know what to do with old cardboard boxes or that increasing pile of fabric scraps or old clothes, I got you on this one. Here is an easy recycle DIY project that you can display in your homes. Easy Cardboard Wall Art/Wall Decor with Cardboard Box and Scrap Fabric. Great idea for re-purposing and recycling cardboard boxes and fabric scraps.

Looking for ideas to decorate your blank wall in your room? Spend less and make an amazing wall decor with materials you have at home. Do not throw away that cardboard box or scrap fabric or old clothes.

All you need for this project are: Cardboard, Scrap fabric, Scissors, Glue gun, White paint, Paint brush, Ruler, and Marker Pen.

Click on the video below for detailed tutorial…

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