DIY Sequin Block T-shirt (With Contrasting Snake Print Fabric)

I got this idea from Pinterest while searching for ideas on what to do with my leftover sequin fabric. I thought it was a great idea, and luckily, I was also able to find a snake print t-shirt at H&M similar to the Pinterest one.

It was a very easy DIY to make, I shared it with my friend Igho, and we each made our different and very unique t-shirt. You do not have to use sequin if you don’t have at hand. Be good to the environment and recycle old t-shirts; Gather up 3 old t-shirts that contrast well together and use them. Or any other interesting fabric you have. That is the good thing about DIY sewing, you have the design freedom to do what you like. Make something unique for yourself, friends, and family.

Check out the full tutorial on my YouTube channel below

For this t-shirt recycling project, you’ll need: 1 plain t-shirt 1 contrasting t-shirt A block of sequin fabric Seam ripper, Scissors, and a Sewing Machine

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